
Review Policy

Because I'm recieving more and more requests for reviewing books I believe it's time to get a review policy.


I'm taking review requests again, but only two a month! I'll make a list here for all the months and update it whenever I get a request that way as an author you can see wich months are still available.


1. Basatai: Outside in by Suzan Battah
2. Forgotten Treasures by Lisa Kessler


1.Spiritus by Dana Michelle Burnett










If you are an author and you want me to review your book pleas contact me by clicking on the contact button underneath my profile information. Keep in mind that I'm from the Netherlands, so it may take some time if you contact me from overseas before I respond because of the time difference.

How long does it take to review a book:

 I'm working alone so I do my best to review your book as fast as I can it may take a little longer. Reading is something I do for fun and I do have a job.

My reviews are always honest

This means that I'm honest if I don't like the book, I'll always finish reading a book because I believe every book deserves a fair chance. But if I don't like the book I will put that in my review, I'll always include a recommandation to the readers I think will enjoy this book.

Which genres do I review

- Fantasy
- Urban Fantasy
- Horror
- Paranormal Romance
- Historical ( Romance )
- Young Adult
- Thrillers
- Steampunk

Genres I won't review:

- Non fiction
- Poetry
- Sci-Fi ( if a story is really good I may consider this genre but it's not on my standard list )
- Memoirs
- Self-Help

What form of books do I accept:

I accept both real books and e-books, do keep in mind that I live in the Netherlands and that it may take longer for a book to get here. Also the costs to get the book to me will probably be higher because of this.
I review all sorts of e-books but I prefer E-pub or pdf because I can read those formats on my e-reader.

Blog toours, interviews, guest posts

I'm always open for any of these, I love having authors over at my blog! I always like to know a little more about the author behind the book.