Monday, May 16, 2011

Review: The vampire's warden by S.J. Wright

Title:               The vampire’s warden
Author:           S.J Wright
Pages:             186( on my e-reader )
Catagory:        Vampires

The story:

I couldn't seem to contain the inferno burning inside me, being that close to him. Even knowing the danger he posed and the gruesome scenes that must have been caused by him, I still felt a burning inside me every time I heard his voice or felt his hot gaze on me. 

But I was the Warden. He was one of the damned. We were destined to be at odds. Enemies. 

Sarah Brightman, having just lost her father to cancer, is stunned to discover that the mother she thought was dead is actually still alive. She also finds out that the legacy her father left her is a lot more than just an Inn on the outskirts of Nashville, Indiana. She has a frightening new responsibility.

The view of a book addict:

For me this book was just to short! I loved the story and finished it in one sitting. The story was original and exciting. I loved the way it was written, the story moved along in a fast pace but I never felt that I missed something.
I loved the characters of this book and I liked them all, even the bad guys of the story didn’t irritate me.

The verdict of a book addict:

Amazing story with a great heroin, if you’re looking for a good vampire book, don’t look any further because this is one of the best I’ve been reading this year! And I’m happy that there will be more books.

Total of Ratties:


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